Sunday, January 8

Wizards of Waverly Place Series Finale Review

It finally came down to this, it is a two-parter. The series was great, but at not one place, it didn't have continuation, nothing ever matched but they did reference old episodes and lots of the special effects were bad. In one episode, they went to a room that was going to transfer their powers and as soon as I saw it, I knew they were not going to use it and in the end, they didn't. They did a "Who Wants to be a Millionaire' like game show style. They also got Zeke, Alex's werewolf boyfriend and Justin's vampire girlfriend. During the competition to find out who will be the family wizard, Zeke and Harper get captured by a Griffin and Alex uses the time out to go save them but they return too late. They loose and loose all magic, the Russo business gets closed when there is strife between the trio sibling. And of course, it turns out to be part of the competition and the trio end up in a labyrinth maze, in the uniforms they wore in the TV movie. There was word of a second movie so hopefully we might get a reunion from them. The music was horrible though, it was worse than stock music.