Thursday, June 28

RBD's Christian Chavez tells all to People En Español

In August's People En Español Magazine, that is available now--Christian Chavez of RBD is interviewed for the first time about his marriage to stylist William "B.J." Murphy. They met when the show Rebelde was filming in Canada and he wanted to give up the show and move there. Anahi convinced him not to and he went to tell his parents. They told him they didn't understand but it was okay. Murphy learned Spanish and eventually got married. The gang fully accepted Christian but he was afraid of how the church would react and parents concerned about their kids, that happen to be fans.

En la revista de People En Español de agosto, que está disponible ahora -- Christian Chavez de RBD se entrevista para la primera vez sobre su unión con el estilista William "B.J." Murphy. Ambos se conocieron cuando ellos viajo a Canada para filmar la telenovela y él deseó dejar la telenovela y moverse allí. Anahi lo hizo entrar en razon a y él hablo con sus padres. Le dijeron que no entendieran 'pero si esto te hace feliz, adelante.' Murphy aprendió Español y consiguió eventualmente se casado. El grupo aceptó completamente a Christian pero él tiena miedo que la Iglesia iva venir encima y la responsable por los niños.

Alfonso says he hasn't seen such a loving couple and that they are a great example. The article also mostly talks about their new show RBD: La Familia, that is airing in Mexico. The article doesn't really goes into details about how some gay people may look very 'out' like Christian and still has problems coming out. The article is mostly a generic 'coming out' article. I mean, some may be saying 'what is the big deal?' But remember, Christian is from Mexico, and all his worries are understandable. For him, dressing wacky and having colorful hairdos was his thing and wasn't obvious for people to realize he was gay. The article also calls him out on saying he wasn't gay in the last article but people have to understand, it was a hard time on him. What is funny is that he shares my birthday, August 7. He's a year young than me. His husband is 2 years younger than him. Well the article is refreshing and I am happy for Christian and BJ. Does anybody else finds it funny that his name is BJ?

Alfonso dice "los admiro muchisimo porque llevan una relaxcion bastante buen a." El artículo también habla sobre todo de su nuevo programa RBD: El la Familia, que está en México. El artículo también reclama su negaxion en una preiva entrevista en el 2006 pero la gente tiene que entender que él tienia miedo. Cuál es divertido es que él comparte mi cumpleaños, el 7 de Agosto. Él es un año mas joven de mí. Su marido es 2 años más joven que él. El artículo es refrescante y estoy feliz para Christian y BJ.

[Un poco que excribir en Ingles era difícil para que yo lo traduzco.]