Sunday, April 2

The Vault #1: Daily Show Spice Girls Interview

I thought the recent Sharon Stone interview with Jon Stewart on the Daily Show was bad (she was ice cold) but... I was going along the You Tube and found bad interview between Jon Stewart and two of the Spice Girls Victoria Beckham and Emma B. This was years ago, around the fifth anniversary. This you got to see! I rarely seen a bad interview with Jon and it just sent down hill and it wasn't because the Spice Girls were down one spice and its because Jon's jokes weren't Posh's taste. Well let's see the record: Jon got two or more emmys and his show is still on the air while the Spice Girls are no more and Victoria got cheated on by her husband.

Speaking about the Beckhams and in spirit of my love of all Japanese... check this promo for TBC channel.